A. U. Frank, S. Bittner, and M. Raubal. Spatial Information Theory – Foundations of Geographic Information Science (Int. Conference Cosit 2001, Morro Bay, USA, September 2001), volume 2205 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, chapter Spatial and cognitive simulation with multi-agent systems, pages 124–139. Springer-Verlag, Derlin, Heidelberg, 2001. [url]
This article describe a method for simulating human behavior in space using multi-agent systems: mutiple agents that acts in an environment that represents the simulated world. They each have a certain base knowledge, processes, and perceptions about the world. This information, which is not necessarily correct, is used to make decisions, to act and to communicate. Other agents can see their actions or ‘hear’ their communication and use this information together with their perception of the world to make decisions for actions.