running notes from the workshop: Multiple Technologies and Tools for Supporting CSCL

TITLE OF PAPER: Multiple Technologies and Tools for Supporting CSCL

PRESENTED BY: Sanna Jarvela

DATE: November, 21, 2005




By Sanna Jarvela

Sharing expertise on our field of research.


CSCL as it should be: A combinationof educational social and technologiacl affordances

Gibson -> affordances: a possibility for action (a reciprocal relation, perception-action coupling) -> you perceive something and thus you do something.

If we want to design good CSCL environments we should use good affordances.

We use lots of conventions in our interactive environments.

Behavior is context-bound. Example of the elevator.

Education is a combination of pedagogy, context, technology, social.


Learning with computers as cognitive tools: A distributed Cognition Tools (tools that can amplify extend and henhance human cognition.

Cognitive tools are intellectual partners (Distrib. Cogni)

Cognition is streached over individual artifacts and tools.


Field-Dependence or Independence -> mixed dependence

Instructional design -> they asked a couple of students to discuss with Model-It the immigration scheme between the states adn mexico.

The results strongly suggest that the effectiveness of instructional materials depends in learners’ FD/FI. Group critical thinking performance was influenced vy the authority of the text and the authority of the author.

Reflections on the Distributed Cognition apprach: what’s the role of the individual thinker in the distributed cognition approach (becoming a critical thinker).

She says that the distributed cognition theory is not enough for explaining individual skills development like critical thinking. So she is trying to extend the framework off DC to incorporate individual aspects.


Two Case Studies in Hybrid Interfaces (Mediateam Oulu)

These services have been inplemented in the Rotuaari project

MobiLenin: Personal mobile phone plus public display [1]

– The display in a pub. The display shows some music video clips. The users can send SMS to a server to change some apsect of the display.

– Using a personal phone you have a personal trusted device, allowing unhibited use

– disperse access and control

Mobile Fair Diary: personal mobile phone plus website

Symbian application for recording notes [2]

On the web site the notes are collected and organised for browsing and sharing.

They gott interesting usage statistics of the project.

360 users with 33000 notes taken during the experiment.


Serious Fun in Gameworlds: In Search for Collaborative Play -> LudoCRAFT [3]

Information society is turning into game society ??

What is collaboration there? A mixed bounch of solo artists?

Collaboration in MMORPG?

They created a collaborative learning setting called eScape. The idea was to enforce collaboration. AirBuccaneers is another example. Her collaboration i s necessary to complete the game.

Castle of Oulu is another example, where there are uniquely individual roles but which are intertwined into the game.

Computer-Supported cooperative play (CSCP)

What are the common goals? Level and degree of co-ordination? Conflict solving mechanisms?


Short comments

– take affordances into account to support collaboration? What are relevant affordances? Affordances of collaboration scenario? Can they be designed? Is regular learning designed? Can trust be designed?

– Partners in cognition: solve tasks that people are not very good at ?? (not clear)

– What argumentation is triggered? Indipendent thinking: depend on the system? Group thinking and independant thinking should be reconcilied?

– Hybrid interfaces are just new scenario’s or old wine in new bottles?

– Communities are important in making activities meaningful !!!

– project based learning


1- Patrick to Paul: Isn’t the situation to have a particular target in mind when designing a system. Affordances are tailored by design?

Paul: Of course things are drven by design and audience of course, but that’s not an affordance. Let’s look at how people do things and then we make design on top of it.

2- Jocelin to Gerry: It worries me when you say that collaborative learning is not working?

Gerry: What I meant is that we don’t know why is working. The amount of factual knowledge that each child has at the end is not what it was expected to be (reflecting on the situation in NL).

3- Design has became also a method so nowadays the user is pretty much into the process of design.

4- Affordances are a constant interaction between the artefacts and people using it. An object does not have an affordance.



Applications for short range wireless technologies

Mobile to mobile communication are supported by filers.

They conducted a field experiment in March 2003 to explore approaches for conducting permission based mobile multimedia advertising.

They were pushing content on the user mobile phone. There were a couple of leakes in the positioning technique. Downloading of the ads takes too long time.

Another idea was to use RFID tags in the CampusTag and the CityTag projects.

LocalInfo is a Nokia bluetooth application that allows the user to receive tome push information on their phone that is related to their position.

Nokia Flier allows the user to compose a multimedia message that can be shared over bluetooth in a totally anonymous way.

Q: Nokia Sensor is quite similar to this idea.


Demo of CRAFT activities and current projects.


Ambient Wood pervasive computing

Opportunities for active ‘hands on’ learning

– experential real world interaction, engagement, exploration, creativity, reflection

In collaboration with Yvonne Rogers

-> digital augmented woodland to support scientific enquiry and discovery of plants interdipendences

– Variety of devices

A digital probe was used to take light/moisture readings Promoted collaborative activity.

The ambient horn was used to receive sound information and it was pervasively triggered by pingers according to child location.

A periscope was used in combination with pingers to making the invisible visible.

Afterwards they could reuse the material collected on site for reflecting and representing the data into a collaborative discussion.


PDAs in teacher training

There are a couple fo good examples where the PDA is used to create connections with other people, which means that creates good opportunities for collaborative interactions.

One of the argument is that the size of the PDA makes it less intrusive during the teaching and therefore optimal for supporting the collaborative activities without distracting.


Media Lab UIAH [4]

FLE3 is a tool for knowledge building

MOBILED project: mobile phone in formal and informal learning in developing countries.

Method: Scenarios, Video mock-ups, prototypes

They showed the Mobile Encyclopedia, which enable to access wikipedia via SMS. A vooice syntethizer calls back the user reading the article of the wikipedia that matches the search criteria.

The use of the video mock-ups is just great. We can see on the fly what is going to happen during the activity and the potential for the particular learning activity.

Smart phones in project based learning. The basic ideas is to collect community stories, recording them, and binding them to a mobile number and a code. People retrieving the story can also contribute to the study.

The model of validation of the information is the same as the one from wikipedia.


Distributed scaffolding [5]

A framwork for distributed scaffolding in mobile mediated contexts

The aim is to design, implement and evaluate scaffolds for situated and technology mediated collaborative learning that augment each other.

A design experiment: Nature trail and mobiles -> to find new methods and technologies for enhancing nature trails.

They used the Nokia Fliers for breaking bluetooth taboos and for supporting mobile explorations.

The nokia flier uses an autoconfiguration of the BT network. Devices are BT nodes of the self-organizing BT-grid. [6]

Each group had to find arguments to support hypotheses offered in the task flier. Creating own fliers was possible using some sentence openers.


Constructing and Sharing Knowledge Representation with Mobile Mind Map Tool in Collaborative Learning.

The interest is in the structure of the distribution of the cognition. What kind of mobile knowledge representation student use when using a mobile system?

Pedagogical model: mind map with paper and pen; compus area exploration; campus area exploration; mind map with software tool; experience sharing.

Content analysis: new concept; re-use; reprocess; linking; placing.

Students used different mechanisms to share knowledge representations. How does the mobile tool affected?


joint brainstorming – working sessions – role play on-stage – working sessions in groups

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