Pomplun, M., Ritter, H., and Velichkovsky, B. Disambiguating complex visual information: Towards communication of personal views of a scene. Perception, 25 (1996), 931–948. [pdf]
This paper reports two experiments on perception and eye-movement scanning of a set of 6 overtly ambiguous pictures. In the first experiment it was shown that specific perceptual interpretations of an ambiguous picture usually correlate with parameters of the gaze-position distributions. In the second experiment these distributions were used for an image-processing of initial pictures in such a way that in regions which attracted less fixations the brightness of all elements was lowered. The pre-processed pictures were then shown to a group of 150 naive subjects for an identification. The results of this experiment demonstrated that in 4 out of 6 pictures it was possible to influence perception of other persons in the predicted way.