According to Global Exchange (full text here), an NGO that promotes social, economical and environmental justice, corporations carry out some of the most horrific human rights abuses of modern times. In this report they focus on the worst 14th companies:
Caterpillar -> contracting with known violators of human rights, enabling house demolition, supplying equipment that kills Palestinian civilians and American peace activists
Chevron -> environmental destruction, health violations, and violent killings
Coca-cola -> violent killings, kidnap and torture, water privatization, health violations, and discriminatory practices
Dow Chemical -> creation of chemical weapons, marketing poisonous chemicals, illegal dumping of toxins into populated areas, environmental destruction, health problems, death
Dyncorp / CSC -> causing health problems, environmental devastation and death; endangering lives; physically abusing individuals; sex trafficking
Ford Motor Company -> environmental degradation, climate change, fueling wars for oil
Kellog, Brown and Root -> Overcharging and providing unnecessary services on taxpayer’s dollar, bribery, exploiting third country nationals
Lockheed Martin -> War profiteering, warmongering
Monsanto -> Displacement, health violations, and child labor
Nestle USA -> Abusive child labor, repression of worker rights, aggressive marketing of harmful products, violation of national health and environmental laws
Philip Morris USA -> aggressively marketing lethal products
Pfizer -> Killer price-gouging
Suez-Lyonnaise des Eaux -> Water privatization
Wal-Mart -> worker rights violations, labor discrimination, union busting