Encouraging OSN users to respect other people’s privacy

With the increasing use of Social Media and Online Social Networks such as Facebook or Instagram) the question of conflicting privacy settings becomes more and more relevant.

Minkus et al. [1] conducted a study to focus on OSN behavior of parents and found that many privacy breaches may occur to children at the hands of others, namely, their parents and relatives. These authors also designed interventions to mitigate compulsive sharing on social networks. Screenshot 2020-04-05 14.00.01.png

[1] Tehila Minkus, Kelvin Liu, and Keith W. Ross. 2015. Children Seen But Not Heard: When Parents Compromise Children’s Online Privacy. In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web (WWW ’15). International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee, Republic and Canton of Geneva, CHE, 776–786. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/2736277.2741124

Change your habits with … electric shocks!

While doing my literature review for a recent project on Multiparty Privacy Conflicts, I bumped on a startup that designed a bracelet that gives little electric shocks every time the user performs a self-defined bad habit (e.g., eating at a fast foot).

I guess, this type of approach might have some positive outcomes for the kind of habits that are automatic (e.g., touching your nose) but I am not sure that it might work to setup behaviors that involve more high-cognitive functions (e.g., learning a new language).
