An Experiment in Discovering Personally Meaningful Places from Location Data

C. Zhou, P. Ludford, D. Frankowsky, and L. Terveen. An experiment in discovering personally meaningful places from location data. In A. C. Machinery, editor, Proceedings CHI2005, Late Breaking Results: Short Papers, pages 2029–2032, Portland, Oregon, USA, April 2-7 2005. [url]


This article present an empirical evaluation of clustering algorithms used in location based services to discover meaningful location for the user. Their methodology rely on a quantitative methods of user tracing combined with a semi-quantitative technique of interviews used to validate the collected logs. Results shows that the identification of the places by density of points is accurate but only for those locations that are considered by the user as highly important. Other locations visited only for a limited amount of time received a lower degreed of recognition by the software.

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