Three approaches most interest me in the current research I am doing:
1. Cognitive Semantics in Formal Ontologies
This particular research puts the accents on the definition of the activities related to the particular formalization used to support it: “Supporting human beings in geographical space requires ontologies that are developed paying attention to both objects and activities [Kuhn, 2001]. In addition, concepts to be added to a certain domain ontology have to be grounded in order to represent the common usage.
2. Pragmatic Relevance
Relevance theory states that an input is relevant when, and only when, its process-ing yields a positive cognitive effect [Wilson et al., 1995], meaning that the receiver of the input will generate and act an expectation of a particular cognitive effect to be achieved by the incoming input [Matsui, 2001]. These ‘acts’ of expectation may be observed and accounted as yielding back to the reasoning and inference process of the learner and on the particu-lar perspective s/he is taking in relation to the processed input.
3. Computational cognitive modeling using Agents
We can use computational cognitive modeling to support the categorization process of the messages posted in space. This will require the definition of the proper ontological definition/position for each message. Additionally, the agent can highlight messages connected to the user’s interaction on the system. Here we can reuse existing metodology of Frank [2000].