Adams, J., Rogers, B., Hayne, S., Mark, G., Nash, J., and Leifter, L. (2005). The effect of a telepointer on student performance and preference. Computers & Education, 44(1):35–51. [pdf]
This paper presents a comprehensive review of the studies involving the use of telepointers. The paper itself demonstrate how the presence of the telepointer in an experimental course improved the students’ recall of the contents thaught. [More]
While the telepointer has been widely accepted in the Computer Supported Collaborative Work community, little work has been done to quantify its effect on performance and perception. We present preliminary results quantifying the telepointer’s effect on knowledge retention and satisfaction in an online collaboration. In experiments, a remote expert communicated with small student groups to explain an online scanning probe microscope (SPM) interface. The expert used two-way audio-video plus a telepointer to describe the interface to half of the participants, and only two-way audio-video (no telepointer) with the other half. The data show that use of a telepointer improved task completion time tenfold and long-term knowledge test performance by 30-40% on specific concepts. The telepointer group was also more likely to rate the online SPM as a substitute for a local SPM and felt the expert was significantly less distant than did the non-telepointer group.
Tags: Computer-Mediated Communication, education, learning technology