Construction of a Dynamic Thesaurus and Its Use for Associated Information Retrieval

H. Kimoto and T. Iwadera. Construction of a dynamic thesaurus and its use for associated information retrieval. In Proceedings of the 13th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval, pages 227 – 240, Brussels, Belgium, 1989. ACM Press, New York, NY, USA. [pdf]


This paper describe the AIRS system (Associated Information Retrieval System), where for the first time (?) a dynamic thesaurus was used in a associative retrieval system. Basically the authors built a term by term matrix of keywords that was assemble by putting together information from a user’s sample of relevant documents and a static thesaurus.

The dynamic thesaurus was constructed on a network structure where each node was representing a keyword, while each link was representing a relationship between keywords. A weight was assigned to each node and to each link between the nodes. Four different thesaurus were therefore derived combining the presence of the keywords weighting of nodes and links. This served the experimental evaluation.

Results suggested that node weighting was effective for improving the Keywords precision. Additionally, the finding suggested that the activation threshold value of the node should increase with the transversal distance of the network routing. Finally the use of the thesaurus with weighted nodes and links showed an increase of precision rate and recall rate.

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