There are a couple of scenarios that I have been developing to increase the usage of ShoutSpace at EPFL. I am in the need of Data so, every application that could bring me messages is appealing to me.
Scenario 1: Maintenance Group at EPFL. The idea is to give SS to the maintenance group so that they can use it as a support to coordinate their intervention on the site. Ideal would be that they could use it consistently over a certain period of time to optimize the working schedule. A Typical usage can include the items to be repaired and those that have been repaired already. Also they could annotate rooms that need to be refurnished. Exhibition panels that need to be moved and where. Here the mix of annotation and place and coordination takes its full power.
Scenario 2: Information Kiosk at EPFL. The idea is to translate SS into a Java Applet that can be executed from the information points at EPFL. There people could log-into the system and browse the campus looking for specific localized informations. For instance, where is a cafeteria near by. Additionally they can leave notes to coordinate for meetings on campus. People uses the kiosks to look for phone numbers or information about courses. In the same way they can use SS to look for specific information about features of places. Or to read the annotations left by other users.
Scenario 3: Newsgroup of EPFL into ShoutSpace. The idea is to import the EPFL newsgroup into ShoutSpace so that they can be mapped to the point of emittance or reception. Some specific newsgroup like Petit-Announces are extremely geographical in which they target specific points of interests (i.e., the room of the poster in case of selling/buing message or the zone interested by a particular maintenance). Offering these messages with a map support seems to be a great add-on. Additionally it would increase the value of using SS in daily routines.
Scenario 4: ShoutSpace as a support for event organization. Periodically events are organized at EPFL for the students life (i.e., le Balelec). A great deal of spatial management is needed to coordinate these efforts of moving materials, coordinating security, etc. The ideal would be for the organizers to use SS as a support tool for the organization of the event.
Scenario 5: ShoutSpace as support for an urban planning class of ENAC. The architecture faculty of EPFL has courses of Urban Planning. One possible class work could be the study of the EPFL site as a micro-city environment, defining the critical aspect of the site that could be redesigned. The class could use SS for the semester, leaving messages and annotations connected with their observation period. Subsequently the notes could be reported in the classroom for teaching and discussion purposes.